Three Step Sparring Techniques
The following is a list of three step sparring techniques.
- step back with a rising block
- step back with a rising block
- step back with a rising block
- execute a reverse punch to the midsection
- step back with a rising block
- step back with a rising block
- step back with a rising block
- pull the opponent's hand down with the left hand, while executing a right knife hand strike to the temple
- step back with a rising block
- step back with a rising block
- step back with a rising block
- execute a high roundhouse punch to the head
- step back with a front block
- step back with a front block
- step back with a front block
- execute a backfist strike to the nose
- step back with a palm heel block
- step back with a palm heel block
- step back with a palm heel block
- execute a reverse punch to the ribs
- step back with a palm heel block
- step back with a palm heel block
- step back with a palm heel block
- execute a front thrust kick to the midsection
- step back with a palm heel block
- step back with a palm heel block
- step back with a palm heel block
- execute a right elbow strike to the ribs
- step back with a knife hand guarding block
- step back with a knife hand guarding block
- step back with a knife hand guarding block
- execute a side kick to the midsection
- step ack with an X hand block
- step ack with an X hand block
- step ack with an X hand block
- grab the wrist and swing it down, while executing a roundhouse kick to the midsection